Climate phenomena dictating survival mechanisms for communities in Kenya

Kenya: Climate change pushing communities to adopt survival measures

Somalia: Supporting drought-affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in rural Baidoa

Improving living conditions, social cohesion and access to green infrastructure in East Amman

Somalia: Empowering Internally Displaced Persons through multipurpose cash assistance

The new opportunities at the Cahul community centre

Kenya: Restoring food security through provision of cash transfers

Addressing the humanitarian needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Somalia

Launch of GSAT support activities at the Adré site

Somalia: Supporting Floods Affected Somali households with Multipurpose Cash Assistance

Somalia: Supporting dignified living conditions and protection

Somalia: Supporting famine prevention response and crisis-affected communities

Kenya: Making ends meet through a cash transfer program

Cash transfers helping communities cope with climate shocks

Acted is committed to Ensure the Protection of Women at Risk and Survivors of Domestic Violence in Central Asia/Uzbekistan

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