
Since 2012, Acted is responding to the complex crisis in Mali due to structural and cyclical challenges. The need for a holistic response, linking emergency response and development programming is at the center of our interventions. Over the years, Acted supported more than 1 million people in 6 regions (Ségou, Mopti, Gao, Menaka, Timbuktu and Bamako), with a current team of 11 international and 160 national staff.

Mission Context

Already affected by a fragile political and security context, Mali is going through a complex and multi-dimensional crisis since the 2012 Coup d’état. The inhabitants of Mali continue to be impacted by the effects of the crisis today, with 7.2 million people still in the need of humanitarian assistance . 13% of the population faces food insecurity with worrying rates of general acute malnutrition. Mali, mainly the Northern and Central regions, faces a chronic food and nutrition crisis affecting thousands of vulnerable households every year. Among them, 185 000 individuals need help and assistance as a matter of emergency.

With almost 50% of the Malian population living below poverty threshold (that is with less than 2 USD per day), with conflicts and limited capacities demonstrated by the State to supply adequate access to basic social services, Mali going is undergoing a general degradation of households’ economy and livelihoods. This precarious and fragile situation hinders people’s resilience and increases the number of population movements with dozens of thousands of repatriates and Malian refugees still living in neighboring countries.

Acted in Mali

Through a holistic and cross-disciplinary approach, Acted is responding to these structural and short-term challenges, linking emergency, rehabilitation and development. In addition, Acted is building resilience to disasters while contributing to co-constructing an effective governance system and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.

 Following the crisis in 2012, Acted gave priority to emergency assistance to the most vulnerable populations in Northern Mali, including displaced populations. After supporting internally displaced Malians populations, Acted gradually adapted its intervention to allow these populations to recover and rebuild their livelihoods. Acted intervenes both in the areas of origin and in the return areas and addresses the many needs remaining in the country: improving the resilience of vulnerable populations, rehabilitating infrastructure destroyed during the conflict, and revitalizing the economy of Northern Mali.

©Moise Togo for ACTED Mali
Support to market gardeners in the region of Menaka
©Moise Togo for ACTED Mali 2017
Supporting Vocational Training, notably in sewing and tailoring, allows the building of sustainable livelihoods in the region of Menaka
©Moise Togo for ACTED Mali 2017
Supporting Income Generating Activities such as craft businesses allows the building of sustainable livelihoods in the region of Menaka
©Moise Togo for ACTED Mali 2017
Supporting Vocational Training, notably in mechanic, allows the building of sustainable livelihoods in the region of Menaka
©Moise Togo for ACTED Mali
Support to breeders in the region of Menaka
ACTED, 2017
ACTED Disaster risk reduction interventions aim at preventing vulnerable situations faced by communities because of sudden floods
©Moise Togo pour ACTED Mali
Soutien aux pêcheurs dans la région de Ménaka
ACTED, 2017
Focus Group on nutrition issues, region of Mopti
ACTED, 2017

In response to structural and short-term challenges, Acted implements projects through a holistic and cross-disciplinary approach, linking emergency and development with an integrated approach in health, nutrition, food security, social protection and water, sanitation and hygiene.

Food and Nutrition Challenges in Menaka Region

Current projects

Support to food security and food resilience of women farmers in the circle of Kita on the Akuo site, Kayes region
Reinforcing social cohesion and access to basic services in the Gao region, Mali. Pilot project
Providing a multi-sectoral response to vulnerable individuals affected by displacement after a RRM response; while enabling recovery and fostering qualitative coordination of services in Mali


Factsheet in French

May 2018

ACTED Mali in 2018
ACTED Mali-Fact Sheet-20180531_Page_1


April 2018

Overview of ACTED in Mali
Zones_intervention d'ACTED Mali 2018

Factsheet ACTED Mali

May 2018

WASH & Infrastructure
ACTED Mali Eau Hygiène et Assainissement Infra

Factsheet ACTED Mali

May 2018

Food Security
ACTED Mali Sécurité Alimentaire

Factsheet ACTED Mali

June 2018

ACTED Mali Nutrition

Factsheet ACTED Mali

May 2018

Disaster Risk Reduction
ACTED Mali Réduction des risques de catastrophe

Resilience and livelihoods in Menaka Region