
Acted responds to the humanitarian needs of displaced and host populations who are particularly vulnerable in Niger, notably due to the conflict in the Tri-Border area (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) and the Lake Chad crisis. Present in Niger since 2010, Acted teams intervene in the regions of Tillabéry, Diffa, Tahoua and Niamey to provide an emergency response to crises and carry out resilience activities to support the recovery of vulnerable populations. Since 2010, Acted has assisted over a million beneficiaries through its various projects.

The humanitarian situation in Niger is complex and multidimensional, combining structural problems with a deteriorating security situation. This has led to massive forced displacement, with an estimated 4.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance (HNRP 2024). UNHCR’s coordination dashboard shows 407,430 internally displaced persons and 371,772 refugees. Niger continues to face persistent armed conflict in four main regions: Diffa, Maradi, Tillabéri and Tahoua. Added to this are climatic hazards such as floods and droughts, malnutrition and population movements. Chronic poverty, social inequalities, demographic pressure, growing structural vulnerability and inter-community tensions are all factors exacerbating the crisis and increasing humanitarian needs.

Acted in Niger

Employees, including 253 nationals and 18 internationals
210 669
Beneficiaries in 2023
Projects implemented
€8.5 million
Annual budget

Since 2010, Acted has become a key player in Niger, promoting the link between humanitarianism and development. In close partnership with the local population and key stakeholders, including governance bodies, civil society organizations and inter-agency working groups, Acted’s integrated response helps meet the basic needs of vulnerable populations, while promoting sustainable development through livelihoods, infrastructure, environmental protection, institutional capacity and social cohesion.

Acted also promotes circular economy models to create positive social, environmental and economic impact through its programmatic strategies in Niger. To achieve this, Acted aims to accelerate waste reduction, reuse and regeneration of natural systems, while creating inclusive, low-carbon economic opportunities.

158 051
People affected by a crisis supported by Acted in 2023
91 515
People benefited from WASH activities
14 778
People had access to emergency shelter or non-food items
Hectares of degraded land rehabilitated and/or regenerated
Students enrolled at the Peralta school in Niamey, including 187 girls and 147 boys
6 969
People benefited from emergency food assistance
Food distribution at the Barwagana Tchoungoua and Tchougoundi distribution center, Kablewa commune (Diffa), August 2023
Screening of MAM/MAS children (6-59 months), Bankilaré (Tillabéri), July 2023
Installation of a solar field, Kossotori (Diffa), January 2024
Awareness-raising and distribution of intimate hygiene kits, Kachachoua (Diffa), March 2024
Food distribution at the NGadodo site, Kablewa commune (Diffa), May 2023
Pupils from the Peralta school tending the school vegetable garden, Niamey, 2024
Students at Peralta School, Niamey, 2024

Current projects

Multi-sectoral Emergency and Resilience Building Response for Vulnerable Communities Affected by Shocks in the Regions of Diffa and Tillabéri, and Support for the Planning and Delivery of Evidence-Based Aid in Niger
Emergency response in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation to support communities affected by displacement in the Diffa region
Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) project to cover the basic needs of vulnerable populations affected by conflicts, natural disasters, and epidemics in Niger (Rapid Response Mechanism – RRM)
Multi-sectoral emergency response to the needs of vulnerable populations affected by displacement – Communes of Ayérou and Ouallam, Tillabéry region
Multi-Sectoral emergency response to populations affected by food insecurity and conflict in the regions of Tillaberi, Diffa, and Tahoua, and support to humanitarian information services in Niger
Péralta bioclimatic school complex


Interactive map

For more information on population movements in the Diffa region

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Hygiene and sanitation in schools in Abala camp, Tillabéri