Republic of Congo

Acted has been present in the Republic of Congo since 1997. Our teams currently have bases in Brazzaville and Impfondo and respond to the humanitarian needs of populations affected by conflicts, violence, floods and natural disasters, support rehabilitation efforts and support development dynamics.

Mission context

The government of the Republic of Congo declared a state of humanitarian disaster in November 2021 following heavy rainfall in several districts of the departments of Likouala, Cuvette and Plateaux. With more than 80% of people affected, Likouala is the department most affected by the floods, in particular the districts of Liranga, Bétou, Impfondo and Dongou.

Acted has been present in the region for more than 20 years and provides multiple types of assistance to vulnerable populations in the departments of Pool, Cuvette, Plateaux and Likouala. In addition to emergency relief, Acted Congo supports the transition towards an inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development for vulnerable populations.

Acted in the Republic of Congo

180K +
beneficiaries from January 2020 to July 2021
ongoing projects

Acted Congo is our organisation’s first mission on the African continent. Acted in the Republic of Congo is committed to ensuring a transition from humanitarian action to sustainable access to basic services. It reconciles a medium and long term vision of development through the creation of inclusive economic opportunities and for a civil society, strong in environmental protection.

All of Acted’s actions in the ROC are integrated in a vision aiming to create new dynamics based on the populations and their territories, to favour change through the sharing of knowledge, the synergy of actions and innovation.

Rehabilitation of a water point in Kindamba district

Our activities

Acted contributes to the improvement of access to water, hygiene and sanitation, housing and supports agricultural recovery. For example, our teams have participated in the construction of emergency and sustainable latrines, waste pits, showers and water points. The teams also distribute hygiene kits and run awareness-raising sessions on water management, waterborne disease prevention and hygiene. We work on the long-term resilience of communities by training beneficiaries in sustainable and environmentally-friendly techniques for market gardening, food crops and livestock. In addition to these trainings, distributions of seeds, improved cuttings and livestock accompany the support for sowing and monitoring the evolution of crops.

3Zero in the Republic of Congo

Acted and its partners, the Congolese Organization for Human Rights (OCDH), the Association for Environment and International Solidarity (AESI) and Convergences, propose a community and local action to contribute to the development of the capacities of Congolese Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as actors of sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.

Through the project activities, the consortium strengthens the organisational, institutional and thematic capacities of Congolese CSOs to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable populations and improve the quality of services in the departments of Pool and Likouala. The consortium supports, for example, the initiatives of Civil Society Organisations on sustainable development issues in support of marginalised populations. It also contributes to the creation and strengthening of CSO networks and to the linking of these networks with the public and private spheres.

The place of youth and women as actors of change will be strengthened as priority will be given to CSOs supported by women and youth.

Vindza District - Family photo after handing over the animals, 2019
Mindouli-Centre - Training in the use of bio-pesticides, 2019
Central Mindouli - Family photo of the trained market gardeners, 2019
Kimba District - Monitoring of cassava woodlots after planting, 2019
Mpassa-school - Sensitization of FFA beneficiaries to the functioning of food distribution, 2019
Missié-Missié - SCOPE registration of FFA beneficiaries before starting work, 2019
Ecole primaire de Moussengué – Inspection du bloc de latrines + station lave main avant remise de l’ouvrage à l’école, 2019
Makotipoko - EHA awareness and proper use of kits among refugees in DRC (Yumbi), 2019
Kimandza-Panga – Inspection du Point d’eau réhabilité avant remise de l’ouvrage, 2018
Kindamba District - Monitoring of brick manufacture before building shelters, 2019

Current projects

Revitalization and support of civil society as an actor in sustainable development in the departments of Pool and Likouala
ACTED, 2017