Burkina Faso

Present in Burkina Faso since 2019, and operating in 4 priority regions (East, Centre-North, North and Boucle du Mouhoun), Acted is mobilising to respond to the multidimensional crisis affecting the country via a rapid response covering the immediate needs of displaced populations, support for population recovery and investment in more sustainable development. As a key player in Temporary Shelter Management (TSM), Acted facilitates coordination with local authorities and humanitarian actors, while providing emergency assistance in the sectors of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security, shelter construction and livelihoods.

With a Sahelian climate, a population of over 23 million and one of the highest demographic growth rates in the Sahel (3.07%), Burkina Faso is facing a combination of climatic, socio-economic and security factors, resulting in a complex humanitarian crisis that is exposing the country’s populations to forced displacement and precarious living conditions. The deteriorating security situation has increased the number of internally displaced people to over 2 million by 2023. This puts additional pressure on existing infrastructure (sanitation, access to water and electricity, road networks), which is already inadequate, and on available sources of income. While 86% of communities depend on agriculture and livestock farming for their livelihoods, access to land is threatened by desertification and insecurity. The most marginalised communities are the worst affected by this humanitarian crisis.

Acted in Burkina Faso

546 025
people supported
projects implemented since 2019

Since 2019, Acted has established itself in Burkina Faso as a key player in the response to the crisis, supporting humanitarian coordination in the country, the provision of emergency assistance and economic recovery. Its 2025-2027 strategy is based on 3 pillars:

  • Providing an appropriate emergency response and supporting the economic and social recovery of populations affected by shocks
  • Promoting social cohesion through the economic integration of young people and women, access to basic services and community dialogue
  • Supporting climate-smart approaches and helping vulnerable communities adapt to the impact of climate change.

Acted’s impact in Burkina Faso is intended to be multi-sectoral, with the implementation of projects in areas that are difficult to access and covering priority sectors. Always anchored in a logic of resilience, the programmes developed enable the transition from emergency to recovery. Acted in Burkina Faso supports communities in the development of sustainable livelihoods, seeking to have a direct impact on their climatic and economic living conditions.

244 617
people benefited from the construction or rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure
83 864
people received food and nutritional assistance
12 279
displaced persons received safe and dignified shelter
1 355
people received support for economic recovery activities
sites and areas for displaced persons supported

3ZERO in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, the duality of Acted’s interventions between emergency and resilience allows us to propose a progressive strategy of prevention and adaptation to the climatic and environmental problems faced by the populations. Initiatives such as planting trees on the sites, as well as more innovative solutions such as fish farming, help to improve the communities’ environment and living conditions on a long-term basis.

Current projects

Support good hygiene practices for malnourished children in the Centre-Nord region of Burkina Faso by building an institutional latrine-shower block and distributing hygiene kits.
Improving access to sustainable and inclusive hygiene and sanitation services in Burkina Faso