Deep in the Sahel, Niger is at the crossroads of various conflicts, particularly in the border areas with Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Chad.
The attacks and general insecurity of the region generate important movements of population. The country witnesses the arrival of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons especially in the Diffa region, which is home to around 270,000 people fleeing the crisis in the Lake Chad basin, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
ACTED provided support to the populations suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition in Kablewa (Diffa region), this was made possible with the financial support of the World Food Program.
In 2020, ACTED has provided a monthly food rations to 12 700 people thanks to the distribution of 1 400 tons of food. A complementary monthly ration was given to 583 children aged from 0 to 23 months old.
In the framework of the Rapid Response Mechanism that aims to bring immediate support to displaced populations, ACTED was able to help 2 400 additional people with and emergency food support.
ACTED has implemented cash transfers distributions, especially in December, to provide support to vulnerable communities. This was made possible thanks to the Financial Intermediation Bureau in Niger.
Each beneficiary received the sum of 32,500 CFA francs, a relief for these particularly vulnerable people.
With this project, ACTED and WFP contribute to meet the food needs of the most vulnerable and to prevent malnutrition.