Humanitarian Action

In emergencies, ACTED responds to save lives, with special attention to the most vulnerable and marginalized. ACTED’s humanitarian response includes preparedness and early action, emergency response, recovery, and encourages future resilience (defined as strengthened capacity of people to absorb and adapt to shocks, manage growing risks, address underlying causes of vulnerability and transform lives in response to new hazards and opportunities) and equitable development.

The standard activities under this thematic area include:

  • Food and nutrition assistance;
  • Provision/construction/rehabilitation of shelter and housing;
  • Distribution of Non Food Relief Items (NFRIs);
  • Provision of/improving access to safe drinking water, adequate hygiene facilities and promotion of good hygiene practices;
  • Protection activities, for example child and women friendly spaces, case management, gender-based violence (GBV) prevention;
  • Refugee and Internally Displace People (IDP) camp management;
  • Support to public institutions and service providers that provide life-line services like water, health and education;
  • Support to Information Management (e.g. through REACH);
  • Promoting household food security and nutrition literacy for a balanced and nutritious diet;
  • Restoring livelihoods and fostering self-reliance through household economy approach;
  • Strengthening Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and integrating CBDRM into governments’ development planning processes;
  • Capacity building of authorities in preparing and replicating preparedness and contingency plans, search and rescue, incl. provision of required assets;
  • Support to coordination and data sharing systems, incl. developing and promoting Early Warning Systems (EWS);
  • Provision and pre-positioning of contingency stocks;
  • Strengthening the national and regional-level disaster risk management policy framework;
  • Hazard and vulnerability mapping and modelling and their integration and mainstreaming in development plans;
  • Protection of livelihood assets.