
Provision of life-saving general food assistance to food insecure population and internally displaced persons in the Somali region

Ethiopia Humanitarian Action
August 2023
August 2024

Through this project, Acted will work with the most vulnerable food insecure populations and IDPs in Somali Region, in Liban, Afdher, Daawa, Korahe and Doolo zones, through General Food Distributions (GFDs) targeting a total of 746,466 beneficiaries. Acted will conduct annual in-kind GFDs that will help individuals and families who are acutely vulnerable to food security due to being displaced by the prolonged drought and floods ongoing in Somali Region, and the unavailability of diverse livelihoods and income generating activities. Potential modifier: Acted will be willing to facilitate cash transfers in addition or in replacement of in-kind GFDs upon request of WFP.

Current projects

Ethiopian Crisis to Resilience with IMPACT/REACH
Provision of life-saving general food assistance to food insecure population and internally displaced persons in the Somali region
Emergency and livelihoods assistance for the most vulnerable displaced populations in Afar region
Improved access to and coordination of assessments, analysis, and information management services for humanitarian actors in crisis-affected areas of Ethiopia