All our news from
the field


Women building buuls, traditional Somali shelters built from plastic and recycle cloth around wooden and metal sheet structures

How ACTED supports Ukrainian refugees in Moldova

When the military operation started on 24 February, ACTED immediately deployed an emergency team in Moldova to respond to the…

Humanitarian convoys for Ukraine!

03/03/2022 - The unprecedented humanitarian disaster faced by the Ukrainians is taking a dramatic turn, with millions of people thrown…

Flash Appeal for Ukraine

3 March 2022 - ACTED launches an emergency flash appeal to support 300,000 people affected by the conflict in Ukraine…

Ukraine – ACTED supports affected populations and refugees

2 March 2022 – In a context of rapidly evolving situation on the ground, at least 752 civilian casualties (OCHA) have already been confirmed between 24 February and 2 March – though the real figure is almost certainly much higher – and thousands of people are fleeing major cities of Ukraine. As of early 1 March, at least 850,252 people have already crossed into neighboring…