Grand’Anse is one of the greenest areas of Haiti, with colourful houses sprouting out of the lush vegetation.
In close collaboration with the local populations, ACTED and partner CESVI have set up a house construction site as part of a disaster risk reduction project, implemented since April 2018 in Les Irois, Corail and Pestel. This project seeks to reinforce local capacity to cope with natural disasters with 150 building sites and training courses, with funds from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) (
Hurricane Matthew destroyed most of the houses of Haiti’s southern peninsula in October 2016. While the emergency response covered most of the urgent needs immediately after the hurricane, many families are still living in makeshift shelters three years after the hurricane. These families are particularly vulnerable to disasters, in a hazard-prone area.
In order to support recovery, ACTED created building sites in Les Irois to rebuild houses for the most disaster-affected populations by using improved construction techniques, which integrate the local context and materials while complying with national seismic and anticyclonic standards. These techniques ensure sustainability of the newly built houses.