
Support Economic Growth and Sustainable, Diversified Income Creation in Jordan (Year 2)

Jordan Sustainable and inclusive growth
September 2022
December 2023

Acted will continue to promote sustainable livelihoods of vulnerable Jordanian and Syrian households through integrated farming as an economic recovery mechanism in central and northern Jordan. The project will be supporting an additional 115 agricultural households (permagarden) and 300 landless labourers in Y2; and will provide more advanced business and technical skill development support to 75 HHs (food processing/artisan) out of the 100 HH selected under Y1. The project will also continue to mentor and coach the 102 HHs (perma-garden) and 150 landless labourers supported under Y1, including provision of subgrants to implement their IGAs; Finally 6 agro-CSOs’ capacity, services and outreach through additional trainings and hands on coaching will be enhanced (an additional 210 vulnerable households reached through cascaded training by agro-CSOs in Y2).

Current projects

Project Brief – Enabling and Mobilizing Civil Society Organisations in Jordan through Reinforced Institutional Advocacy and Technical Capacities to Enhance Coordination for Sustainable Development
JOR – Sanitation Solutions for Underserved Communities In Jordan
Project brief – Sanitation Solutions for Underserved Communities In Jordan
GrowEconomy: Promote sustainable, inclusive and decent economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the agriculture sector
Waste to positive Energy
Support Economic Growth and Sustainable, Diversified Income Creation in Jordan (Year 2)
Roots 3 Initiative: Enhancing employment opportunities and productive sustainable forestation in Karak Governorate
Waste to (Positive) Energy