
Strengthening multisectoral evidence and providing access to urgent services for people with diverse SOGIESC in Lebanon

Lebanon Strengthening Institutions and Civil Society
September 2023
August 2024

This 12-month intervention aims to foster a more accountable and inclusive humanitarian response for people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) across Lebanon. The existing information gaps regarding the needs of people with diverse SOGIESC will be addressed through a comprehensive nationwide assessment conducted by IMPACT Initiatives, in collaboration with Helem and SIDC. Furthermore, SIDC and Helem will enhance access to health, protection and MHPSS services for 3,472 individuals (2,499 men, 973 women) of different genders and nationalities, including Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian refugees, and migrants. In addition, capacity-sharing plans, mentoring, and coaching programs will be developed and implemented to strengthen the capacities of consortium partners.

Current projects

Implementation of a solar chlorination system in Rayaan, Lebanon
Greening Growth: Empowering MSMEs in the Agriculture and Agri-Food sector
Strengthening multisectoral evidence and providing access to urgent services for people with diverse SOGIESC in Lebanon
Empowering civil society and youth for an inclusive digital transformation