
Provision of life-saving WASH services to drought affected displaced population in IDP sites and rural areas in Baidoa, Somalia

Somalia Sustainable Infrastructure
June 2023
April 2024

Through this 11 months project, ACTED aims to increase equitable and inclusive access to clean and safe drinking water and promote safe hygiene practices for 13,998 individuals in Baidoa rural areas. ACTED will conduct a hydrogeological/geophysical and environmental impact assessment, which will be followed by the construction of sustainable water sources in Baidoa rural areas that will benefit drought affected IDPs and rural areas. To increase the sustainability of WASH services, ACTED will enhance the capacity of WASH Management Committees to manage, operate and maintain WASH facilities in the target locations. Additionally, ACTED will conduct hygiene promotion campaign, distribution of hygiene kits that will focus on disease outbreak prevention including AWD, cholera and measles.

Current projects

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Provision of life-saving WASH services to drought affected displaced population in IDP sites and rural areas in Baidoa, Somalia
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