
Fighting food insecurity and the climate crisis by strengthening women’s resilience and adaptation to climate change through long-term income generation, Burao Somalia

Somalia Inclusive Economic Opportunities
August 2023
August 2025

This project will be part of a broader regenerative agriculture program (THRIVE/EU BREACH) which will be implemented in Burao, Somaliland. The project will include the establishment and support of women-only self-help groups (SHGs) through trainings and small business grants. The aim of the project is to support the creation of income-generating activities and small business. In total, 360 people will benefit from the project (60 women and 300 family members).

Current projects

Implementation of Camp Coordination and Camp Management Program in Somaliland
Nourishing Communities: Restoring resilience through improved food and nutrition security to vulnerable rural and displaced communities in Somaliland
Fighting food insecurity and the climate crisis by strengthening women’s resilience and adaptation to climate change through long-term income generation, Burao Somalia
Provision of life-saving WASH services to drought affected displaced population in IDP sites and rural areas in Baidoa, Somalia
Support to internally displaced communities in Somalia through life-saving humanitarian services and information management
Providing dynamic, targeted and informed assistance for integrated life-saving support to households most affected by drought and conflict in Somalia
Nabad: Promoting women-led grassroots peacebuilding towards social reconciliation
Building a Pathway Out of Poverty for Ultra-poor IDP’s and Vulnerable Host Communities in Baidoa
Comprehensive emergency response to communities affected by displacement, food insecurity and environmental shocks in Somalia