
Multi-sectoral rapid response assistance to conflict-affected communities in frontline and newly accessible areas in Eastern and Southern Ukraine

Ukraine Humanitarian Action
March 2023
February 2024

During this 12-month intervention, ACTED will implement a flexible and comprehensive package of rapid assistance in Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), WASH, and Shelter to meet the multi-sectoral immediate needs of frontline, rural, and newly accessible communities in Khersonska, Mykolaivska, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkivska, Zaporizhka, Donetska, and, if accessible, Luhanska oblasts. MPCA will be the preferred modality due to its flexibility, while in-kind assistance will target specific population groups or geographic areas that need additional sectoral-specific assistance and/or have restricted access to functional banks and markets. Through its MPCA activities ACTED expects to reach 4,600 beneficiaries. Within the framework of WASH activities, ACTED expects to reach 22,000 beneficiaries through the distribution of hygiene kits and 16,769 beneficiaries through the provision of water supply. The Shelter activities are expected to reach 6,905 beneficiaries in total.

Current projects

Returnees and Refugees Longitudinal Survey
Returnees and Refugees Longitudinal Survey
Multi-sectoral rapid response assistance to conflict-affected communities in frontline and newly accessible areas in Eastern and Southern Ukraine
Technical and material support to local organizations and volunteer groups in Ukraine
Improve conditions in collective sites and support coordination through monitoring and site management