
Provision of winterization assistance to conflict-affected communities in Ukraine

September 2024
February 2025

Under this winterization project funded by the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund, Acted and its partners will directly target 14,278 individuals with interventions under the Shelter sector, to provide assistance to severely conflict-affected communities in prioritized raions of Chernihivska, Sumska, Kharkivska, Donetska, Dnipropetrovska, Zaporizka, Khersonska and Mykolaivska oblasts. This 6-month project will leverage Acted’s existing portfolio and implementation capacity to effectively respond to the winter energy needs and address gaps in the broader humanitarian aid response ahead of the heating season. In accordance with the Shelter Cluster recommendations, Acted will implement two prioritized winterization activities: in-kind distribution of solid fuel (firewood and briquettes), and cash-for-utilities and cash-for-solid fuel assistance.

Funded by:


Partners involved are: Education Foundation “Potential”, SAVE UKRAINIANS, Bilozerka Center for Regional Development, NEW DAWN, League of Science Development 

Current projects

Rehabilitation of medical institutions in the Chernihivska Oblast
Safe Return to offline learning in Kherson oblast: shelter Rehabilitation at Novodmytrivka Kindergarten
Support collective sites coordination through monitoring 2025
Support for eco-friendly community initiatives
Provision of winterization assistance to conflict-affected communities in Ukraine
Immediate multi-sectoral assistance to conflict-affected communities in frontline and newly accessible areas of Ukraine
Integrated critical humanitarian assistance to address the multisectoral needs of severely conflict-affected and frontline communities in Ukraine
Integrated critical humanitarian assistance to address the multisectoral needs of severely conflict-affected and frontline communities in Ukraine
HAVEN – Humanitarian Action through Volunteers, Enablers, and Networks
Restore Edu: Reconstructing, renovating and equipping schools to enable the safe resumption of in-person education in Chernihiv oblast
Ukraine Response Consortium: Addressing the immediate multi-sectoral humanitarian needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected populations inside Ukraine
Build Back Better: Prevent, Prepare and Protect populations by rehabilitating sustainable, environmentally friendly water, hygiene and sanitation infrastructure
SEED: Securing Women’s Economic Empowerment for Recovery and Development