
Emergency multi-sectoral assistance and response to address the basic needs of population most affected by displacements and natural disasters in Pakistan

Pakistan Humanitarian Action
June 2023
April 2024

The proposed project aims to address the basic needs of the vulnerable and most affected populations through a provision of multi-sectoral emergency response and recovery support that is inclusive, pro-poor, gender-sensitive, and targets the most vulnerable in Nowshera and Jafarabad districts of KPK and Baluchistan provinces in Pakistan. It will provide comprehensive FSL, Education in Emergencies, WASH, protection, and DRR support to the population affected by trauma, school dropout, displacement, floods, and public health risks such including waterborne diseases resulting directly or indirectly from the floods.
The proposed action is designed to improve the living conditions of the most and extremely vulnerable community members including children and their caregivers through two main axes. Firstly, the by strengthening of referral pathways by to ensure protection of the most vulnerable groups, such as children, women and PWDs and secondly by ensuring that their basic needs, including FSL and WASH, are met in all areas. Within the duration of 09 months, the project will reach 32,550 beneficiaries (including indirect).

Current projects

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Emergency multi-sectoral assistance and response to address the basic needs of population most affected by displacements and natural disasters in Pakistan
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