May 31st 2023 – KYIV, Ukraine. Through this project funded by the European Union, Acted and the Estonian Refugee Council (ERC) are providing cash assistance to conflict-affected people in all Ukrainian regions. Acted implemented different modalities of cash assistance to meet the multiple needs of the affected population.
According to the UNHCR, more than 17 million people in Ukraine are in urgent need of humanitarian aid, most particularly those residing in hard-to-reach areas – areas that are not yet accessible or that just suffered strikes. With cash assistance, people have the flexibility to prioritise and address their specific needs, whether it is to get food or medicine.
Acted has implemented cash programs in Ukraine since 2015. Presently, this modality is the most efficient way to operate in a volatile context and respond effectively to difficult periods, such as the harsh winter season during which the electrical infrastructure was massively targeted. During winter, Acted’s cash assistance was tailored into “cash for heating”. From May 2022 to February 2023, Acted was able to reach 14,942 people, primarily in rural areas, ensuring they had the means to purchase essential heating resources such as solid fuel, firewood, or cover their gas bills.
This project funded by the EU is of crucial importance in Ukraine. Acted with ERC have been providing multi-purpose cash assistance to over 100,000 vulnerable and affected people across Ukraine. During the hard months of winter, we provided cash for heating in some rural areas to cover basic winterization needs for people without access to electricity or materials to keep warm
Given the ever-changing context in Ukraine, Acted established an emergency cash assistance mechanism to reach those most in need. This modality of cash assistance has proven especially valuable following a strike, as Acted is able to deliver cash assistance to those affected within a few hours.
I am very grateful for the help that came on time. I used the money for repairs. On March 17, my house was damaged by an S-300 rocket. The windows and roof were destroyed
As of February 23rd 2023, Acted and ERC provided cash for heating support to 7,992 households (18,848 individuals) in Chernihivska, Donetska, Ivano-Frankivska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, Kyivska, Luhanska, Lvivska, Mykolaivska, Odeska, Sumska and Zaporiska. With the support of the European Union, at the end of the project Acted and ERC would have reached a total of 225,583 people throughout Ukraine.