25 March 2020 - While the Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly in Europe, the Middle East registered its first cases in early March. As of today, 59 cases have been diagnosed in the occupied Palestinian territory (Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem). In the past weeks, two cases were reported in Gaza.
The Palestinian Authority decided the closure of all governorates in the West Bank. A curfew was announced two days ago and all non-essential services and shops were ordered to close.
ACTED is present in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 2007, responding to emergency needs in the areas of Shelter, Food Security, Water, hygiene and sanitation. In the framework of this crisis, ACTED acted decisively to to support the health clinics identified as quarantine centers.
In Gaza ACTED is equipping 10 quarantine facilities in Rafah Governorates. In total, 300 mattresses, 300 mats, 600 blankets, 300 hygiene kits and 100 cleaning kits were provided as part of contingency stocks procured under an OCHA Humanitarian Fund project.
In the West Bank, ACTED provided the HWC (Health Work Committees) Medical Center in Halhul with tent gear for setting up a pre-screening area prior entering the hospital. ACTED’s is preparing its Hebron emergency shelter items warehouse to support Covid-19 related response.
In addition, ACTED is establishing a range of measure to both ensure the continuity of our work and to minimize exposure to the virus among our staff and to the extent possible; our beneficaires. So far these include: adapting our work practices to maximize the number of our colleagues who can work from home, organizing remote meetings and reinforcing sanitation procedures in offices and across our operations.