
Consultancy services for a research action on Inclusion

Uganda Humanitarian Action
March 2023
May 2024

IMPACT Initiatives, through its specialized PANDA initiative , will lead the action-research on Enabel’s project “Enhance ‘Livelihood and Labour Market Relevant’ Skills for Youth, Women and Girls of the Refugees and Host Communities’ in Northern Uganda” to better understand and support the inclusion and integration components of the project. The project will have two phases: first, the diagnostic of Enabel performance against integration and inclusion of refugees in the project leading to the drafting of an action plan; and second an assessment of the implementation of the action plan accompanied by lessons learnt.

Current projects

Improving food security and nutrition for vulnerable communities in the Karamoja region
Informing humanitarian nexus partners and local/national authorities on the needs of vulnerable populations in the refugee-hosting, border and transit districts
Consultancy services for a research action on Inclusion