
Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to Meet Critical Basic Needs Among Vulnerable Households

Yemen Humanitarian Action
October 2023
October 2024

The project funded by BHA through the CCY consortium aims to meet the critical basic needs of vulnerable conflict-affected households through the delivery of MPCA while facilitating referral mechanisms to social protection programs. From October 15 2023, until October 14 2024, Acted together with the CCY will enable 1,287 socio-economically vulnerable and conflict-affected households in Aden, Raymah and Saadah to meet their critical basic needs, while strengthening the linkages between humanitarian programs and longer-term assistance, including national social safety nets.

Current projects

Provision of life-saving WASH services in Northern Syria and Yemen
Longitudinal study on the Multiplier Effect of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance in Yemen
Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to Meet Critical Basic Needs Among Vulnerable Households