Lahij or Lahj is a Governorate located between Ta'izz and Aden Governorates in Yemen. It has a population of 24,228 divided throughout its 15 administrative districts. IDPs' percentage is 1.5% of Lahj's population. Since 2015, Lahj experienced different dynamics and became the center of tensions, resulting into numerous outbursts of violence and a completely risky political and security environment. Now Lahj faces a serious decline in economic systemin addition to severe destructions amongst public facilities, roads, and places.
Under the EuropeAid-funded project “Promoting Resilience and Social Cohesion Through an Integrated Response to Vulnerable Communities in Yemen”, ACTED will launch Cash-for-Work activities in Lajh for IDPs and affected populations, including schools’ rehabilitation, mercenary tank construction, and roads repair. As a result, Cash-for-Work activities will provide a temporary source of income, enabling them to cover their immediate needs.
ACTED team conducts assessments needs and carries out meetings with local communities in order to select the sites most in need of rehabilitation and that will better profit the community. On the 28th of July 2021, ACTED technical staff had meetings with community committees in Habil Jabr to discuss the suggested intervention under Cash-for-Work activities. During the site visit, they assessed that the rehabilitation of Habil Jabr high school would benefit the majority of the population.
The main activities will include cracks and roof treatment, floors and blackboards repair, wall painting, provision of windows, doors and Qamariya (multicolored stained-glass windows). Additionally, ACTED plans to construct a 50 Cubic Meter Mercenary Tank in Alaskariah sub district, in Habil Jabr district.
ACTED plans to construct a 50 Cubic Meter Mercenary Tank in Alaskariah sub district, in Habil Jabr district. This will improve access to water for the neighbouring communities.
On the 3rd of August 2021, ACTED team conducted meetings with community committees in Alguadrah village, AlMaqaterah District, in order to pre-select the most appropriate sites, according to the community’s needs.
ACTED team asked the community committee in Algomrok village, AlMaqaterah District, to suggest appropriate interventions depending on the community’s needs.
Further, in August 2021, ACTED team conducted site visits and met with local authorities in Radfan district to discuss future cash for work interventions in Radfan district. The local authorities suggested stone paving for streets in Laboza and Alsmood. As a result, ACTED conducted technical assessments in Gaza Street and Radfan Hospital Street in Labouza. As a result, Gaza Street (Labouza) and Court Street (Alsmoud) will be rehabilitated .
In order to carry out rehabilitation while providing job opportunities in the community, ACTED included cash for work activities. This means, that members of the community were selected to carry out rehabiltations while being paid.
This will allow the participants to provide for their immediate needs. In June 2021, ACTED conducted beneficiary registration for 50 BNFs in Labouza and 50 BNFs in Alsomoud, Radfan district. ACTED also registered 50 BNFs in Centre of district and 50 BNFs in AlAskariah in Habil Jabr district.
In July 2021, ACTED registered 100 BNFs in AlGomrok and 100 BNFs in AlBokirah under Cash-for-Work activities, as well as 100BNFs in AlGuadrah, Almaqatrah district in August 2021.