| 24/04/2019






ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development), an NGO implementing several projects in Iraq, is inviting contractors to submit offers for the following lot(s).


Lot #Item #DescriptionProduct categoryQuantityProduct stageINCOTERM/Delivery Point
11.a.1Supply and transporting of 4mx4m tents covers – Annex A – option ASupplies5 928New, Complete and ready-to-useDDP / ACTED warehouse in Duhok governorate including its districts (zakho, shekhan , Faide ..)
1.a.2Supply and transporting of 4mx4m tents covers – Annex A – option B5 928
1.b.1Supply and transporting of 4mx4m  full tents (structure and cover) – Annex B – Option A112
1.b.2Supply and transporting of 4mx4m  full tents (structure and cover) – Annex B – Option B112
22.a.1Supply and transporting of 4mx4m tents covers – Annex C– option ASupplies30New, Complete and ready-to-useDDP / Kirkuk Yahyawa camp
2.a.2Supply and transporting of 4mx4m tents covers – Annex C– option B30
2.b.1Supply and transporting of 4mx6m tents covers – Annex D– option A45
2.b.2Supply and transporting of 4mx6m tents covers – Annex D– option B 45
2.c.1Supply and transporting of 7mx17m tents covers – Annex E– option A65
2.c.2Supply and transporting of 7mx17m tents covers – Annex E– option B65
2.d.1Supply and transporting of 4mx4m  full tents (structure and cover) – Annex F– option A25
2.d.2Supply and transporting of 4mx4m  full tents (structure and cover) – Annex F– option B25


Bidders can apply for one lot or more.


The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified service providers. The Bidding Documents (in English) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address:

  • ACTED representative office in Erbil, IRAQ (6th street, Khabat street) on the right after Ankawa intersection, 1st street on the right, House #: 240/1/467 Hadiyab quarter, Ainkawa, Erbil, Iraq)
  • ACTED representative office in Dohuk, Golvin 67 St. Malta Islam Quarter – Dohuk 3rd Street from Malta Hill Traffic Light to Down Town


Or can be downloaded from the NCCI website at https://ncciraqbids.com/en/  under the section “Tenders” or from ACTED website at www.acted.org/en/ under the section “Calls for tender”, or the IAPG website at www.iapg.org under the section “Latest Tenders”.


Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the above-mentioned websites regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or the bidding documents.


All bids must be submitted before 15/05/2019 (15th of May 2019) at 16:00 (Iraq time) at ACTED at the above-mentioned addresses in a sealed envelope or by email at iraq.tender@acted.org Cc tender@acted.org. Late Bids will be automatically rejected.

In case of electronic submission, please:

  • Mention the tender reference number mentioned above in the subject tab.
  • Fill the tender document, sign, stamp, scan and send them. Electronic stamp and signatures are not acceptable.


ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.


Note: if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please send an e-mail to transparency@acted.org

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