| 01/05/2024

International call for tender_Afghanistan_Machineries, Tools and materials

International call for tender_Afghanistan_Machineries, Tools and materials





ACTED, implementing the project “[Safeguard and Create Artisan Livelihoods and Enterprises for Underserved Populations in Afghanistan (SCALE-UP AFGHANs)]” under [EUROPEAID] funding, is inviting qualified entities to submit their offers for required items based on attached offer form.


Lot: 01
Description: Machineries, Tools and Materials
Unit: Based on Attached Offer form
Quantity: Based on Attached Offer form
INCOTERMS & Delivery point: DDP (Delivery Duty Paid)
Delivery Deadline: 10 days after contract signature


The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified entities. The Bidding Documents in English can be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address(es):

– ACTED representative office in Kabul city: Shahre Naw Turabaz Khan Qudeat Centre Dist. 10 Kabul City Afghanistan

Or can be downloaded from the websites:
– Afghan Chamber of Commerce (ACCI) website at http://kabul-tenders.org/
– Afghan tender website www.afghantenders.com under the section “Tenders” or
– ACBAR tender website www.acbar.org under the section “Tenders” “Call for Tenders”.
– Acted website https://www.acted.org/en/call-for-tenders/


Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the mentioned websites regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or to the bidding documents. Bidders from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and other Central Asian countries are particularly encouraged to apply.


All bids must be submitted by 15/05/2024 at 5:00 PM Kabul time at the address (es) mentioned above in a sealed envelope or by E-mail to afghanistan.tender@acted.org, Cc tender@acted.org. Late Bids will be automatically rejected.


ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.


A tender opening session will take place on 08/05/2024 at 10:00 AM in the ACTED representative office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Turabaz Khan Square, District 4.


For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact the ACTED representative office in Kabul city no later than 08/05/2024 at 5:00 PM by telephone (+93 0799 611 775) or by E-mail at afghanistan.tender@acted.org Cc tender@acted.org.


Note: if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please contact the following phone number +33 6 07 22 46 28 and/or send an e-mail to transparency@acted.org.

Supplier Questionnaire
Instructions To Bidders
Tender Advertisement Form
Offer Form
Supplier Ethical Declaration
Bidder's Checklist
Full General Conditions of Purchase