
Protection Consortium of Iraq

Iraq Humanitarian Action
May 2023
April 2024

Under this 12-month proposed-action, Acted will work as part as the Protection Consortium Iraq (NRC, DRC, IRC, IMPACT) to prevent and mitigate heightened protection risks supporting the recovery of at-risk individuals and communities (including returnees, displaced individuals, FPAs, minorities and other marginalized groups) in 16 governorates of Federal Iraq and KR-I. The action revolves around 4 outcomes: (1) provision of civil documentation for at-risk groups; (2) MPCA for at-risk individuals navigating complex cases of documentation; (3) general protection case management and monitoring; and (4) evidence-based advocacy towards a shifting landscape of duty bearers and monitoring of the changing humanitarian landscape to identify gaps and needs.

Current projects

Advance Climate Resilience and Disaster Preparedness through locally led strategies and climate adapted sustainable agriculture practices in Thi Qar Governorate, Iraq
Data acquisition, analytics and informatics services to support ICRC assistance activities in Iraq
Providing situational assessment and trend analysis of conflict affected populations in Iraq
Protection Consortium of Iraq