
Integrated response to the emergency needs of the most vulnerable populations in Venezuela

Venezuela Sustainable and inclusive growth
June 2024
November 2025

The main objective of the project is to “contribute to the improvement of living conditions of the populations affected by the crisis in Venezuela through a comprehensive and multisectoral response that favors the strengthening of a protective, resilient and inclusive environment”. To achieve this objective, as part of the CONAHVE consortium, Acted will implement WASH actions, including rehabilitations of health centers and protection spaces, hygiene promotion and distribution of hygiene kits, over a period of 18 months in the states of Amazonas, Falcon, Distrito Capital and Miranda, improving the quality of life of at least 10,240 project participants.

Current projects

Integrated response to the emergency needs of the most vulnerable populations in Venezuela
Multi-sectoral response of Education in Emergencies with a socio-productive approach, with complementary activities in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and Livelihoods in 12 schools in Falcón state.