
Building Resilience of Food Insecure and Disaster-prone Rural Communities through WASH Assistance and Livelihoods Strengthening

Pakistan Sustainable Infrastructure
May 2024
April 2027

Acted proposes a 3-year intervention to build the resilience of vulnerable, food insecure communities in disaster-prone areas of Pakistan. Acted will prioritize its assistance to the most vulnerable flood affected families in Sindh and Balochistan provinces by strengthening sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods, thus paving the way to stable recovery.

Current projects

Building Resilience of Food Insecure and Disaster-prone Rural Communities through WASH Assistance and Livelihoods Strengthening
READY Pakistan – Strengthening local Civil Society Organisations in Prepardeness and Response to crises
Climate Resilient WASH Flood Emergency Response in two districts (District Jacobadad and District Kashmore) of Sindh in Pakistan
Adolescent and Adult Learning and Training Program (AALTP)