
Building Resilience of Food Insecure and Disaster-prone Rural Communities through WASH Assistance and Livelihoods Strengthening

Pakistan Sustainable Infrastructure
May 2024
April 2027

Acted proposes a 3-year intervention to build the resilience of vulnerable, food insecure communities in disaster-prone areas of Pakistan. Acted will prioritize its assistance to the most vulnerable flood affected families in Sindh and Balochistan provinces by strengthening sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods, thus paving the way to stable recovery.

Current projects

Building Resilience of Food Insecure and Disaster-prone Rural Communities through WASH Assistance and Livelihoods Strengthening
READY Pakistan – Strengthening local Civil Society Organisations in Prepardeness and Response to crises
Emergency multi-sectoral assistance and response to address the basic needs of population most affected by displacements and natural disasters in Pakistan
Building Resilience Through Early Recovery Support to Flood-Affected Communities of Pakistan
Adolescent and Adult Learning and Training Program (AALTP)