Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)

The new USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance - or BHA - leads and coordinates the U.S. Government’s disaster assistance efforts overseas, reaching millions of people around the world with life-saving aid. BHA delivers humanitarian assistance to save lives and alleviate the suffering of people affected by disasters around the world. We also help the world’s most vulnerable people prepare, recover, and transition from crisis toward prosperity and self-reliance.

Current projects

Multi-sectoral emergency program for IDPs affected by violence in Artibonite and the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince
Integrated Emergency and Early Recovery Support for IDPs and Communities Affected by Drought, Flood, and Conflict in Somalia
Building Resilience of Food Insecure and Disaster-prone Rural Communities through WASH Assistance and Livelihoods Strengthening
Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) project to cover the basic needs of vulnerable populations affected by conflicts, natural disasters, and epidemics in Niger (Rapid Response Mechanism – RRM)
Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction in Causeni and Criuleni raions in Moldova
Multi-Sectoral emergency response to populations affected by food insecurity and conflict in the regions of Tillaberi, Diffa, and Tahoua, and support to humanitarian information services in Niger
Providing a multi-sectoral response to vulnerable individuals affected by displacement after a RRM response; while enabling recovery and fostering qualitative coordination of services in Mali
Comprehensive emergency response to communities affected by displacement, food insecurity and environmental shocks in Somalia
Providing an integrated multi-sectoral emergency response to support vulnerable conflict-affected populations through coordination and delivery of essential lifesaving services in Southeast of Sudan
Humanitarian coordination & provision of CCCM-integrated responses to displacement-affected populations in South Sudan
Providing dynamic, targeted and informed assistance for integrated life-saving support to households most affected by drought and conflict in Somalia
Building Resilience Through Early Recovery Support to Flood-Affected Communities of Pakistan
Addressing Food Insecurity through a Multisectoral Response and Strengthening Intersectoral & Food Security and Nutrition Evidence-Based Analysis, Planning & Response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Holistic and multisectoral emergency response, using Settlement Approach, for the population living in and around informal settlements in North, West and Eastern Afghanistan