Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)

Through grants totaling more than US$277 million and technical assistance to over 2,600 civil society organizations and individuals, CEPF have taken action to conserve more than 1,000 species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and strengthened the management and protection of 51.6 million hectares of Key Biodiversity Areas. Their grantees have also contributed to the establishment of 16.2 million hectares of new protected areas, and the improved management of 10.5 million hectares of production landscape—areas where agriculture, forestry or natural product harvesting occur. And more than 4,900 communities in the biodiversity hotspots have benefited directly from CEPF-funded projects through improved access to clean water, improved land tenure and increased representation in decision-making processes.

Current projects

Capacity-Building of Civil-Society Organisations for Better Conservation in Uzbekistan