Yemen Uncategorized

NGOs call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and full humanitarian access in Yemen

Signatories NGOs, operating in Yemen, call for an immediate cessation of hostilities across Yemen, including in Sanaa. NGO ask parties to the conflict to allow full and unfettered humanitarian access to people in need and to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian goods.

The capital of Yemen, Sanaa, is under violent clashes and airstrikes since five days, leaving thousands of people in fear, trapped in their homes and without any possibility to access humanitarian assistance. Dozens of death and killed and injuries have been reported. Humanitarian staff and personnel are in locked down with no possibility to provide lifesaving care and essential support. The situation is deteriorating hours after hours and civilians population are primarily bearing the cost of the conflict.

We call on all parties to the conflict to immediately:

  • Cease all hostilities and stop using explosive weapons in populated areas in Sanaa and throughout the countries.
  • Abide by their obligations under IHL and ensure full protection of civilian’s population and civilian’s infrastructures.
  • Allow full and unfettered humanitarian access and facilitate the movement of humanitarian workers to ensure and resume humanitarian relief in Saana and across the country.

As the UN Security is meeting on Tuesday 5th December to discuss the situation in Yemen, we ask its members, in particular France, US, UK, Russia and China to publically support the above call and use of their diplomatic influence to enable this man-made conflict to stop.

Press contact:

ACTED: Adrien TOMARCHIO ; – 01 42 65 61 40 – 06 85 91 28 62

Action Against Hunger: Mathieu Fortoul, – 01 70 84 72 29

CARE France: Laury-Anne BELLESSA ; ; 07 86 00 42 75

Handicap International : Sophie Gaguin ;; + 33 (0) 4 26 68 76 47 / +33 (0) 6 60 97 09 38

Doctors of the World: Leyla Douci Habane ; – 06 09 17 35 59


Press release

December 2017

NGOs call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and full humanitarian access in Yemen