Jordan Photo Story

Jordan: ACTED rehabilitates a park to improve quality of life in east Amman

Having access to greenspaces and safe recreational zones is profoundly useful in dense dry urban areas like Amman as they provide a space for the community to come together, increase the population’s well-being and are key to fighting urban pollution.

ACTED with funding from GIZ has rehabilitated Abu Al Maari Park in Basman district in East Amman, Jordan. The works were carried about by Syrian and Jordanians from the neighbourhood and included renovating the park and planting trees.

Abu Al Maari Park, Basman (Amman) before ACTED's intervention

The idea behind this work is to improve the living conditions and livelihoods of Jordanians and Syrian refugees, to provide access to green recreational areas but also employment opportunities for local communities.

@ Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

The vacant lot around the basketball court prior to the works was in poor condition, unsafe and not adapted to the need of the community.

© ACTED, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Limited facilities were present for children with only two swing sets for the 8000 residents of the neighborhood, with no safety precautions taken, making it dangerous for the children.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Area around the sports court was not appropriate for children and no greenery was present.

© Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Very few trees were present in the park, providing little green space for the neighbourhood.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

The walls of the park were in poor condition and many featured graffiti, as well as trash which wasn’t nor enjoyable sanitary for children or adults.

ACTED rehabilitates the park in East Amman

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

ACTED strives to ensure that project activities takes place only during daylight hours and take place as close as possible to the participants’ homes.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

In total ACTED planted 51 trees in Abu Al Maari park, for a greener environment.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

26 workers planted 51 trees and 866 shrubs in the park in the final steps of the works. “I learnt new skills during my work and as a Syrian, I got closer to the local community and formed better relations.” explained Thabet Al Jamal, a former participant to the program through the cash for work activity.

ACTED's impact through rehabilitation of green spaces

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

The playground has been completely renovated: the sand area was rehabilitated, seated areas were installed and new recreational facilities have been added so the children can play safely.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

The walls have been repainted and a gate has been installed to ensure the security of the playground.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Tables and benches protected from the sun have been installed so that the local community can better enjoy the park.

©Acted, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Paths around the park have been rehabilitated to ensure safety. “I gained practical skills like interlocking and plastering. I feel confident now to work in this field.” said Fadi Mohammed Khalayleh a former participant to the program through the cash for work activity.

© ACTED, Abu Al Maari Park, Basman, August 2020

Synthetic soccer field installed in the park for local children to safely play and practice physical activity.