
Enabling and Mobilizing Civil Society Organisations in Jordan through Reinforced Institutional Advocacy and Technical Capacities to Enhance Coordination for Sustainable Development

Jordan Strengthening Institutions and Civil Society
January 2024
December 2025

EMPOWER - Jordan: Enabling and Mobilizing Civil Society Organisations in Jordan through Reinforced Institutional Advocacy and Technical Capacities to Enhance Coordination for Sustainable Development

In Jordan, the number of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has increased vastly during the past years, which is presumed to be linked to the Syrian crisis response and is leading to a predominance of service-delivery CSOs driven by donors. Therefore, despite the increase in their numbers, this dynamic has driven CSOs further away from fulfilling their potential to engage in policy and development processes due to limited local capacity, institutionalized policy consultation and the absence of platforms enabling coordinated action at local and national levels. In order to address these challenges, it requires enhancing legal frameworks for effectiveness and accountability, empowering CSOs to advocate for citizens’ interests with a cohesive and influential voice and enabling more effective engagement with key stakeholders. (See link below)


Project brief – EuropeAid – Jordan

Current projects

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Enabling and Mobilizing Civil Society Organisations in Jordan through Reinforced Institutional Advocacy and Technical Capacities to Enhance Coordination for Sustainable Development
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