Dutch Relief Assistance

The Dutch Relief Alliance is a coalition of 14 Dutch humanitarian organisations that work in partnership with the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and many local organisations. Its members are: CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Dorcas, Oxfam Novib, Plan International, Help a Child, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Stichting Vluchteling, Tearfund, Terre des Hommes, War Child, World Vision Nederland and ZOA.

The Dutch Relief Alliance was established in 2015 by 10 Dutch humanitarian NGOs. In the preceding year, these organisations had coordinated their response to three crises in South Sudan, Ebola and Iraq. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which funded these relief projects, recognised an opportunity for a leaner, large-scale funding model.

The mechanism developed by these NGOs and the Ministry actually transcends a fully operational humanitarian funding modality – a significant accomplishment in its own right. The Dutch Relief Alliance is not so much about what we are as what we want to achieve. We aim to become a leading example for humanitarian reform, working in accordance with the Grand Bargain Commitments and Core Humanitarian Standards. The Dutch Relief Alliance is as much an approach as it is an alliance.

Current projects

Strengthening access to protective education and supporting evidence based humanitarian assistance in Libya