| 03/04/2019

NATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER_Yemen_Emergency latrine construction

NATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER_Yemen_Emergency latrine construction

BID reference Number:

: رقم مرجع المناقصة



ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is inviting suppliers of works to submit offers for each lots of the following works and supplies:

منظمة أكتد (وكالة التعاون التقني والتنمية) تدعوا الموردين المتخصصين لتقديم عروضهم لواحد او لعدة او لكل الدفعات لكل من الخدمات الآتية


LOT #Description



شروط التوصيل

Measuring Unit

وحدة القياس



Delivery deadline from signing the contract

موعد التسليم من توقيع العقد

1LOT 1: Construction of HH Temporary latrines in Ibb Governorate

بناء دورات مياة في محافظة إب

In Al-Dhihar district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines50Less than 50 calendar days
Al-Mashanah district

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines50
In Assabrah district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines10
In Al-Udain district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines40
In Dhi As Sufal district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines10
In Far’e Al Udain district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines10
In Reef Ibb district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines10
2LOT 2: Construction of HH Temporary latrines in Taizz Governorate
In Attaizziyah district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines100Less than 50 calendar days
In Mawiyah district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines60
In Demnaht Khdeer district:

Option A: with concrete super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines


Option B: with zinc super structure with reinforced concrete cover (for pit)

–          Option 1 #: a pit for 1 latrine

–          Option 2 #: a pit for 2 latrines

–          Option 3 #: a pit for 3 latrines

–          Option 4 #: a pit for 4 latrines

–          Option 5 #: a pit for 5 latrines

–          Option 6 #: a pit for 6 latrines

DDP – TO/IN the site of the projectLatrines10
3LOT 3: Supply 350 Sanitation kits already packed with the requested packaging
3.1Hand washing solid soap

منظفات الغسيل (مسحوق)



3500Less than 7 calendar days
3.2Laundry detergents (powder)

منظفات الغسيل

3.3Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid

سائل مطهر ومعقم

3.4Bleach concentrate

مبيض مركز

3.5Plastic broom with wooden handle

مكنسة بلاستيكية بمقبض خشبي



3.6Toilet brush with handle

فرشاة مرحاض مع مقبض:



3.7Plastic garbage bag (large)

كيس قمامة بلاستيك حجم كبير

DDP – TO/IN ACTED IBB WAREHOUSEpack of 12 pcs350
3.8Plastic garbage bag (medium)

كيس قمامة بلاستيك حجم وسط

DDP – TO/IN ACTED IBB WAREHOUSEpack of 14 pcs350
3.9Plastic (HDPE) bucket with lid (20 L)

سطل (عالي الكثافة من البولي إيثيلين 20 لتر)



3.10Plastic (HDPE) bucket (10 L)

سطل (عالي الكثافة من البولي إيثيلين 10 لتر)



3.11Plastic jug (Ebrike) (2.5 L)

إبريق بلاستيكي(2.5 لتر)



3.12Rubber hand gloves (Medium size)

قفازات يد مطاطية

3.13Rubber hand gloves (Large size)

قفازات يد مطاطية

3.14Nose masks

كمامة انف

DDP – TO/IN ACTED IBB WAREHOUSEpack of 50 pcs350
3.15Packaging for all the above listed components :


3.1 Hand washing soap solid x 10 Pces

3.2 Laundry detergents (powder) x 2KG

3.3 Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid x 1 Bottle of 0.5L

3.4 Bleach concentrate x 1 Bottle of 2L

3.5 Plastic broom with wooden handle x 1 Pce

3.6 Toilet brush with handle x 1 Pce

3.7 Plastic garbage bag (large) x 1 Pack of 12 Pces

3.8 Plastic garbage bag (medium) x 1 Pack of 40 Pces

3.9 Plastic (HDPE) bucket with lid (20 L) x 1 Pce

3.10 Plastic (HDPE) bucket (10 L) x 1 Pce

3.11 Plastic jug (Ebrike) (2.5 L) x 2 Pces

3.12 Rubber hand gloves (Medium size) x 2 Pairs

3.13 Rubber hand gloves (Large size) x 2 Pairs

3.14 Nose masks x 1 Pack of 50 Pces


غلاف كرتوني  لجميع المكونات المذكورة أعلاه





Tenderers can apply to one, two, or all lots according to their capacity.

يمكن لمقدمي المناقصات التقدم لمجموعة او مجموعتين او عدة مجموعات حسب قدرتهم.

The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified contractors. The Bidding Documents (in English and Arabic) may be collected or downloaded free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address: ACTED Sana`a, Yemen, Haddah Street, beside the previously Germany Embassy.


جمع وثائق العطاء (بالعربية والانجليزية) jتجمع مجانًا من قبل جميع مقدمي العروض المهتمين على العنوان (العنوان) التالي:

اكتد اليمن صنعاء (شارع حدة جوار السفارة الألمانية سابقا).


Or can be downloaded from the following links: https://yemenhr.com/tenders and https://www.acted.org/en/call-for-tenders/

Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the above-mentioned websites (https://yemenhr.com/tenders and https://www.acted.org/en/call-for-tenders/) regularly for potential modification to the present BID and/or the bidding documents.


نشجع مقدمي العطاءات المحتملين على زيارة موقع اكتد https://yemenhr.com/tenders , https://www.acted.org/en/call-for-tenders/

الخاص بالمناقصة بانتظام للحصول على تعديل محتمل للمناقصة الحالية و / أو مستندات المناقصة.

All bids must be submitted before Wednesday, April 17, 2019 4:00 PM (Yemen time) at ACTED Office Sana’a, Yemen in a sealed envelope with the mention “ T/15DJS/4E/CPI-SKI/SAN/03042019/001– not to be opened until opening session”


يجب تقديم جميع العطاءات قبل تاريخ   Wednesday, April 17, 2019 الساعة 4:00 PM  ظهراً على مكتب اكتد شارع حده, صنعاء في ظرف مغلق و مختوم و مكتوب عليه مرجع المناقصة (T/15DJS/4E/CPI-SKI/SAN/03042019/001 ) لايتم فتحة قبل موعد جلسة فتح المظاريف.


Late Bids will be automatically rejected.

Bids from ineligible bidders will be rejected.

سيتم رفض المناقصات المتأخرة عن موعد التقديم تلقائياً

المناقصات من الموردين غير المؤهلين سيتم رفضها تلقائياً


ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.


لن تكون منظمة أكتد مسؤولة عن أي تكاليف أو نفقات يدفعها المتقدمين للمناقصة الخاصة بإعداد وتقديم عروضهم لمنظمة أكتد.



A tender opening session will take place on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 10:00 AM in Al-Bustan Hotel. The presence of bidders’ representative is allowed.


ستعقد جلسة فتح المناقصة عند Thursday, April 18, 2019 الساعة 10:00 صباحا في   فندق البستان- حده  يسمح بوجود ممثلي مقدمي العطاءات.


For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact the ACTED Yemen Logistics department at by e-mail at yemen.tender@acted.org and in CC tender@acted.org. By 10th of April 2019 – 4:00PM


لجميع الاستفسارات المتعلقة بهذه المناقصة، يرجى الاتصال بممثل اكتد البريد الإلكتروني على yemen.tender@acted.org وفي CC tender@acted.org. بحلول 10 أبريل 2019 – 4:00 م.


Note: if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please contact the following e-mail to transparency@acted.org.

تتبنى “اكتد” مبدئ عدم التسامح تجاه الفساد، وهي ملتزمة باحترام أعلى المعايير من حيث الكفاءة والمسؤولية والشفافية في أنشطتها. على وجه الخصوص، تبنت اكتد منهجًا تشاركيًا لتعزيز وضمان الشفافية داخل المنظمة واسست جهة تنسيق للشفافية (فريق الشفافية تحت إشراف مدير التدقيق والشفافية) عبر عنوان بريد إلكتروني محدد. على هذا النحو، إذا شاهدت أو اشتبهت في ممارسات أو ممارسات تجارية غير قانونية أو غير لائقة أو غير أخلاقية (مثل التماس أو قبول أو محاولة تقديم أو قبول أي رشاوي) أثناء عملية المناقصة، يرجى أرسل بريدا الكترونيا الىtransparency@acted.org


Annex 1 - Latrines drawings
Annex 2 - Bill of Quantities Emergency latrines option A Concrete super-structure
Annex 3 - Bill of Quantities Emergency latrines option B Zinc super-structure
Tender docs - T15DJS4ECPI-SKISAN03042019001