
Acted and its teams, present since 2007 in Gaza and the West Bank, are mobilised to respond to the immediate needs of vulnerable populations

Since 2007, Acted has been implementing numerous humanitarian and development aid programmes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

On the humanitarian side, Acted has been providing support to vulnerable households living in precarious conditions through the rehabilitation of shelters, the provision of food and non-food items, and by facilitating access to drinking water, hygiene, and sanitation. Following the outbreak of the conflict in October 2023, Acted scaled up its interventions in the Gaza Strip, responding to the immediate needs of the displaced populations. Acted has intensified its emergency response to the growing needs of the most vulnerable populations in the West Bank. Throughout all its interventions, Acted also targets victims of gender-based violence, helping them rebuild their livelihoods and become financially independent. In 2023, Acted provided support to more than 25,000 vulnerable people through humanitarian interventions (shelter, NFIs, food security and WASH), civil society strengthening and inclusive economic development. In 2024, Acted is extending its impact to 100,000 individuals through multisectoral assistance that includes Food Security, Nutrition, WASH, Shelter, NFIs, Protection, etc.