
Organisational measures

Measuring our comprehensive impact on the environment

62 155 tCO2e
=0.34 tCO2e/m²

our greenhouse gas emission for the year 2022

Acted measures its carbon footprint at least every 2 years, in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, one of the oldest and most widely used methodologies for carbon reporting.

The GHG Protocol differentiates between different types of emissions through the use of 3 scopes:

  • Scope 1 represents the direct emissions of an organization through its own facilities or its mobile assets such as vehicles.
  • Scope 2 includes indirect emissions that other actors have generated to supply the reporting organization with energy. Generation of electricity, heating and cooling are included in this scope.
  • Scope 3 covers the entire value chain of an organization. It includes all assistance provided to beneficiaries, for example the distribution of food and non-food items, shelter construction or rehabilitation or the provision of drinking water.

Since 2017, Acted measures all 3 scopes through the collection of almost 250 field data points across all our countries of operations and our headquarter.

Reducing our environmental impact throughout our own operations

Measures already underway

  • A partnership for waste collection and recycling at the Paris headquarters;
  • A shift to green energy provision at the Paris headquarters;
  • Launch of the first phase of country office Green Action Support Plans (GRASPs), e.g. staff awareness raising, solarization of offices, banning single-use plastics, reducing printing and photocopying, and shifting vehicle fleets to hybrid/electric cars;
  • The carbon offsetting of all international flights booked by the Paris HQ, which is used to finance 40 biogas plants in rural Nepal, reaching 1,200 beneficiaries.

Measures planned

  • Launch of the second phase of country office ‘greening’ plans for 2022 – 2025;
  • Expansion of the carbon offsetting activities to include trains and hotels by 2023;
  • Full implementation of our digital transformation strategy by 2023 to promote automated workflows and significantly reduced paper consumption;
  • Review and revision of logistics processes.
International flight offsetting at Acted