
ACTED- European Union Programmatic Partnership: How We Work

The programme allows a flexible and long-term response to address the needs of displaced populations. The multi-annual versus the usual annual financing modality ensures greater funding predictability and a more efficient response, by allowing to implement a “phased approach”. During phase 1 (set-up phase), we carry out household registration, site planning/layout, site maintenance and improvements, and support governance structures, community groups, and complaints and feedback mechanisms; in phase 2 (reinforce phase), we strengthen local authorities’ and partners’ service provision capacity and scale down site maintenance support, while scaling up community ownership; phase 3 links affected communities with development actors, focusing on training, mentoring and shadowing local authorities or local partners to ensure handover of activities.

The innovative approach of the programme allows for greater flexibility in the humanitarian response to make sure basic needs are met, and supports community governance and local authorities to independently manage displacement sites and camps. The multi-annual funding modality enables greater funding predictability to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches beneficiaries in the most efficient way.