| 17/08/2018

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER – Consultancy contract to conduct Labor Market Needs Assessment – ACTED MYANMAR

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER – Consultancy contract to conduct Labor Market Needs Assessment – ACTED MYANMAR


 For the award of a consultancy contract to conduct Labor Market Needs Assessment


 T/71 DCE/M23/LMS/YGN/17-08-2018/001

ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1993 with headquarters in Paris, France. Independent, private and not-for-profit, ACTED respects a strict political and religious impartiality and operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency in 33 countries around the world. ACTED responds to emergencies, provides recovery and rehabilitation support and contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through interventions that seek to cover multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach. For 20 years, our intervention areas have been among the poorest, most vulnerable and remote in the world and we adapt out strategies to each context in order to achieve the most direct positive impact with the most efficient use of resources.

ACTED is inviting the suppliers to submit their offer for the following services: 

Consultant to conduct Labour Market Needs Assessment (please refer to terms of reference attached)

The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Documents (in English) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address:

ACTED Yangon Office

No-661 (A),Mya Kan Thar Lane (1),Kamaryut Township,Yangon Ph. Ph-+95 (0) 9422484273 / +95(0) 9259133531

or can be downloaded from

–       the ACTED website at www.acted.org under the section “Tenders”.

–       the IAPG website at http://www.iapg.org.uk under the section “Latest Tenders”.

Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the ACTED website regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or the bidding documents.

All bids must be submitted before 09/01/2018 at 5:00 PM (Myanmar time) in a sealed, plain envelope with the reference T/71DCE/M23/LMS/YGN/17-08-2018/001 or by e-mail to Paul.cronin@acted.org ; myanmar.tender@acted.org CC tender@acted.org

Late Bids will be automatically rejected.

ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.

A tender opening session will take place at a date/time to be confirmed in the ACTED Office in Yangon as per above address. The presence of bidders’ representative is allowed.

For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact ACTED Yangon office by e-mail to Paul.cronin@acted.org ; myanmar.tender@acted.org CC tender@acted.org


If you witness or suspect unethical business practices during the tendering process, please send an e-mail to transparency@acted.org”.



 Terms of Reference


Consultant to conduct Labour Market Needs Assessment

Yangon, Myanmar




  1. About ACTED


ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris, founded in 1993. Independent, private and not-for-profit, ACTED respects a strict political and religious impartiality and operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency.

ACTED’s vocation is to support vulnerable populations affected by wars, natural disasters and/or economic and social crises, and to accompany them in building a better future. The programs implemented by ACTED are in 35 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean seek to cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach which is both global and local, and adapted to each context.


  1. Project Background


The project is to strengthen young workers’ capacities in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market and to increase their livelihood opportunities.  The Specific Objective is to support the GTHSs of Dawei and Myeik, Tannintharyi Division, in order to organise short term trainings tailored to Myanmar job market.

The objective of the project is to work on the EFTP model already existing – which was developed by ACTED with the DTVET, and initially piloted in Loikaw and Hpa-An. The EFTP model offers EFTP courses and a practical training to rural and poor beneficiaries. The project also envisages to adapt the EFTP model to the needs of the private sector regarding employability.

The project will allow to polish the existing model in the State of Tannintharyi so that it could be exported to and reproduced in other States with the aid of the vast network of the GTHS/TI in the country. Moreover, the project aims to create a system that will be recognized across the whole country by working with the DTVET to have a certification system which will be recognised by the whole country and which will meet NSSA competency standards.

The project proposal also recognizes the government intention to implement a system to build skills which are compliant with the needs of the partner Associations of Nations in South Eastern Asia (ASEAN). The system will also gather regional generic qualifications from the EFTP with those relative to the wider context in Myanmar.


  1. Objectives of the consultancy


  1. Identify medium to large private sector employees that can potentially support training and employment opportunities for young people;
  2. Identify VT areas that are relevant to the labour market needs of Tannintharyi Division
  3. Initiate partnerships with medium to large private sector employers that can potentially support training and employment opportunities for young people.
  4. Provide recommendations for programming


  1. Methodology of the consultancy


  1. Desk-top review


Review of previous literature and reports to develop an understanding of the labour market needs and employment opportunities for the local population in Myanmar and in particular in Tanintharyi Division. In addition, to identify a list of medium to large private sector employers, ethnic civil society organisations, VT related government agencies and VT related non-government organisations that can potentially support training and employment opportunities for young people.



  1. Field visit in Dawei, Myeik, and Kawthaung Districts in Tanintharyi: Identify economic development trends Tanintharyi state based on bilateral meetings with local authorities, private sectors actors and development agencies. Thus, the economic patterns identified will be linked to the recommendations in the final report. ACTED will organize transport to/from Dawei, Myeik, and Kawthaung and set-up






meetings with relevant local stakeholders. The field visits should be used in order to collect data on best options for vocational courses that would fit within companies working and hiring in Tanintharyi.


At the same time, during the field visits the consultant will identify existing VT opportunities and provide recommendations to avoid overlapping.



  1. Deliverables


  1. List of medium to large private sector employers, ethnic civil society organisations, VT related government agencies and VT related non-government organisations that can potentially support training and employment opportunities;
  2. Minutes of meetings with local stakeholders in Tanintharyi states
  3. One report detailing findings from desk-top review, forum and survey including recommendations.
    1. These recommendations should include a listing of recommended vocational courses that would provide the best opportunities for jobs in Tanintharyi.


  1. Timeframe and duration of the mission, with expected deliverables


A total of 15 working days, divided as follow:

ReasonLocationDays Deliverables
Desk ReviewHome3Bibliography – Draft list of medium and large private companies, ethnic civil society organisations, VT related government agencies and VT related non-government organisations
Field visits (Dawei,  Myeik, and Kawthaung Districts)Tanintharyi Division7Field visit report (to be included in the final report)
Meetings with Yangon-based enterprises doing business in ThanintharyiYangon2Meeting minutes
Final ReportHome3Final report including:

–       Field visits report

–       Minutes of meetings

–       Recommendation for vocational education programming related to Burmese youth

–       List of interested private sectors stakeholders

–       Commented list of recommended vocational courses that would provide the best opportunities for jobs in Tanintharyi Relevant bibliography



The consultancy has been scoped as 15 billable days of work, including all accommodation and travel expenses.


  1. Background of the consultant


  • At least 10 years’ experience in livelihoods and technical and vocational skill development
  • Experience in conducting a similar type of market survey
  • Concrete experience in providing written reports that can influence key decision-makers
  • Knowledge of Myanmar institutional and local context is an asset


  1. Application Procedure:


Please refer to the Instruction to Bidders document



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OFFER FORM- market analysis


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Terms of Reference