| 05/12/2019







ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is implementing a project of “Integrated WASH support to improve hygiene practice and sanitation, water quality for consumption at Households level for vulnerable families strengthening the responsiveness of Wadi Al-Salqa community” under AICS funding. Thus, all companies who are specialized in desludging services are invited to submit offers for the desludging contracting, as per the specifications, and general conditions attached to the tender documents.



Delivery point

Delivery deadline



Desludging Service in Wadi Alsalqa/Dier Albalah 


See details in Offer Form

Wadi Alsalqa/Dier Albalah – Gaza strip 

9 months after signing the contract.



The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Documents (in English and Arabic) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address: ACTED office in Gaza City, Haboosh Street, Hijji Building – 4th Floor

Or can be downloaded from the ACTED website at www.acted.org under the section “Call for Tenders”.


Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the ACTED website regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or the bidding documents.


  • Bidders shall provide a bank guarantee or bank cheque of 1,000.00 Euro for tender entry, valid for 90 days starting from the tender closing date, where personal cheques or cash will not be accepted.
  • The winner bidder must comply with all required work based on tender conditions, and work schedule.
  • ACTED has the right to increase or decrease the required quantities in 25%.
  • Advertisement fees on newspapers and websites will be charged on winner supplier.


A pre-tender information session will be organized on Sunday 15/12/2019 at 12:00PM at ACTED office, Gaza city – seaport area, Haboosh Street, Hijji Building- 4th Floor. Participation of interested bidders to the information session is preferable but not compulsory.


All bids must be submitted before , at the address mentioned above, in a sealed envelope. Late Bids will be automatically rejected.


ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.


A tender Opening Session will take place, on Monday 23/12/2019 at 11:00 PM in ACTED Office in Gaza City, Haboosh Street, Hijji Building – 4th Floor. The presence of bidders’ representative is allowed.


For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact the ACTED office in [Gaza] no later than [22/12/2019]] by telephone (08-2828518]) or by E-mail at Opt.tender@acted.org, Cc tender@acted.org.


Note: if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please send an e-mail to transparency@acted.org.
