| 22/05/2020






ACTED is seeking through this Request for Proposals (RFP) to prequalify one or more companies for the supply of the following services in various locations in Syria.


  1. Description: Electronic Transfer System (for Electronic Vouchers)
  2. Service Location: Syria
  3. Service class / category: Software / Online Platform
  4. Specifications: As per detailed in the Terms of Reference
  5. Proposed Timeline: Pilot Project for 10 months starting in September 2020


The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Documents (in English) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders by downloading from the ACTED website at www.acted.org under the section “Call for Tenders” or on IAPG website www.iapg.org.uk/ under the section “Latest tenders”.


Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the above-mentioned websites regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or the bidding documents.


A pre-tender information session will be organized on at 14:00 (local time in Jordan) in ACTED’s office in Amman, Jordan:  Saqra Building, 238A Arar Street (entrance C – 5th floor), Wadi Saqra.  Participation is preferable but not compulsory. To arrange remote participation in the information session by Skype please contact ACTED by e-mail at syria2.tender@acted.org CC: tender@acted.org not later than 16:00 (local time in Jordan) on 27/05/2020.


The closing date of this tender is fixed on 10/06/2020 at 12:00 (local time in Jordan) by email to syria2.tender@acted.org, Cc tender@acted.org. Bidding Documents must be clearly marked “RFP/16/99/ACT/22-05-2020/1 – not to be opened before 10/06/2020” in the subject line. For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact the ACTED representative office in Amman not later than 09/06/2020 at 17:00 (local time in Jordan) by E-mail at syria2

ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED.


Note: if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please an e-mail to transparency@acted.org.

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