Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU)

CPAU is an Afghan-led non-profit organisation with around two decades of experience in promoting peace and social justice in Afghanistan. CPAU was founded in 1996. CPAU relocated is the first Afghan-led, research and peace-building organisation in Afghanistan. Over the last decade, CPAU has implemented more than 400 projects in more than 26 provinces across Afghanistan, where it has conducted research, peace and conflict management, innovative education and peace-building programming and media projects.

This has included providing peace education classes to more than 30,000 male and female students across Afghanistan as well as organizing workshops and training seminars for members of the Afghan government, civil society, and foreign organizations on topics such as conflict mediation and cultural sensitivity. CPAU also created or worked with around 10,000 shuras/Councils across the country. In addition, CPAU has been a significant pioneer in the informal justice sector, using innovative programming to establish long term relations between formal and informal justice sectors.