
Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction in Causeni and Criuleni raions in Moldova

Moldova Strengthening Institutions and Civil Society
August 2024
August 2026

Acted, together with IMPACT Initiatives (IMPACT) and Helvetas, is implementing a 24-month intervention to improve the understanding of preparedness and resilience to natural and man-made disasters in the Causeni and Criuleni raions of Moldova. For this purpose, Acted will organise INGO forums to improve the coordination and preparedness of Moldova's humanitarian response, develop long-term participatory DRR strategies for local municipal authorities, facilitate capacity building activities and provide sub-grants to civil society organisations, facilitate capacity building activities for community members (Local Action Groups), conduct awareness-raising sessions in educational institutions and a nationwide awareness-raising campaign.

Current projects

Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction in Causeni and Criuleni raions in Moldova
Reduce the impact of the conflict on refugees in Moldova and ensure access to humanitarian assistance
Reducing Vulnerability to Disaster Risk and building socio-economic resilience in Moldova
Providing a multi-sectoral humanitarian response to Ukrainian refugees and vulnerable Moldovan households in Moldova (2022-2024)