Agence de l’eau Loire-Bretagne

The Loire-Bretagne Water Agency participates in the implementation of national and European water policies. Its mission is to provide elected officials and water users, in collaboration with the services of the State, with an overview of the problems related to water management and the financial means enabling them to combat pollution, manage and preserve water resources and aquatic environments.

The water agency helps communities, economic and agricultural actors to keep enough water and improve its quality.

To preserve water, the Water Agency provides technical and financial support to elected officials and water users in their actions to protect water resources and aquatic environments.

For example, it supports the upgrading of wastewater treatment plants, the reliability of drinking water networks, the continuity of a more natural functioning of our rivers, and the reduction of agricultural and industrial pollution.

Since 2016, the water agency has opened its field of action to new challenges. It is assisting the Basin Committee in the construction of a draft climate change adaptation plan to be completed in 2018.