With widespread damage and looting of WASH infrastructure across territories formerly under the control of ISIL, in March 2019 consortium partners ACTED, PIN and PAH began work on a range of water-related rehabilitation projects meant to improve access to safe water in areas of Mosul, Telafar and Sinuni.

As vital facilities such as water pumping stations came under more pressure, with other such facilities remaining off line as returning populations increased demand, partners chose to target these key infrastructures for rehabilitation works.

Partners also targeted neighbourhood level water networks to improve water quality, as well as working in schools to ensure pupils and teachers had access to funtioning toilets.

In rural areas, borehole rehabilitations are also contributing to the return of displaced families.

people reached through combined WASH interventions
Large scale water facilities brought back into action
small scale WASH rehabilitations targeting schools and health centres.
At least 55 local administrations receive training on WASH facility maintenance
Degraded and war damaged water networks create problems both through wastage and contamination.
ACTED's assessment of the Al Intisar neighbourhood showed that the biggest need was for clean water, hence ACTED targeted the local water pumping station for refurbishment.