
Management of collective sites/centres for internally displaced persons in the ZMPP

Haiti Humanitarian Action
June 2024
December 2024

The aim of the ‘Management of sites/collective centres for internally displaced people in the ZMPP’ project is to improve the living conditions of displaced people and the host community, particularly those affected by cholera. Over a period of 6.5 months, from 15/06/2024 to 31/12/2024, in the ZMPP, it aims to effectively manage these sites/collective centres. The beneficiaries are estimated at 10,041 households, or 46,077 internally displaced people residing in these facilities. Activities will encompass CCCM, WASH and protection, in a holistic approach to meet basic needs.

Current projects

Emergency response to the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in four sites in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Port-au-Prince
Multi-sectoral emergency program for IDPs affected by violence in Artibonite and the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince
Management of collective sites/centres for internally displaced persons in the ZMPP
Integrated multisectoral emergency response for communities affected by violence from armed groups in Port-au-Prince and RRM response of urgent humanitarian assistance to victims of armed conflict and health epidemics in Artibonite
Integrated multisectoral emergency response for communities affected by violence from armed groups in Port-au-Prince and RRM response for urgent humanitarian assistance to victims of armed conflict and health epidemics in Artibonite
Intervention in the field of water, sanitation and hygiene to support the people of Port-au-Prince
Haiti 2024 Complex Emergency – Information Management, Assessment & Analysis